We have accelerated over 50,000 Nigerians to the next level

Let's get started

Borrow up to ₦5,000,000 in 24 hours, no stories

No complications, we disburse immediately, if eligible

Save and invest your money with RexMFBank

RexMFBank helps you to save responsibly and make investments

Earn interest on your savings

Earn over 15% on your investment

Geographical Zones all 6
Business Fund up to 65K
Reliable Client up to 20+
Reliable Client up to 20+


01.Account Services

Our accounts are tailored to cover a wide...


02.Personal & business Loans

Need a loan? Have no worries. At Rex Microfinance Bank Ltd...


03.Online Banking

At Rex Microfinance Bank Ltd. you have the opportuinity to send money ...


We are passionate about achieving better results for our clients


To be the leading and most innovative financial services provider to all at world class standard.

To leverage on technology in impacting the lives and businesses of our clients by ensuring access to financial services in a most innovative way

  • Integrity
  • Accessibility
  • Friendliness
  • Professionalism
  • Excellence
  • Speed & Accuracy


Lets see what our client says

Accelerex Holdings, Mauritius (“Accelerex”), today announced that it has signed an investment agreement with ACA, for the Capital Alliance Private Equity IV fund to invest $20m in Accelerex.

I applied for RexMFBank stress free loan for my child school fees and I got the money credited to my account within 5 hrs.

I applied for RexMFBank stress free loan for an urgent need at close of business on Friday and received credit notification in bank account the same day before the weekend began. RexMFBank truly cares.

I applied for Salary Advance for my child’s school fees as the session was resuming. My account with RexMFBank was credited the following day and I paid my daughter’s school fees on time.

Download our App

Speed Up the Loan Process

Stay tuned for the hottest news and the latest updates! With our app you will always have a chance to see new offers and loan rate changes. Use Loan Trust App an stay mobile and trendy!

learn more Download App

Fast and easy application process

1. Choose Loan Amount

Required scope, timeline and price will be included if you provide us with detailed information of the project

2. Get your loan approved

Let’s get acquainted and discuss all the possible variants and options.

3. Get your cash to meet your needs as applicable

When agreement is reached and all goals are set, we can now start the building.

Breaking News: SLS Microfinance Bank Rebrands to RexMicrofinance Bank!

We are thrilled to announce that SLS Microfinance Bank has undergone a remarkable transformation and is now officially known as RexMicrofinance Bank. This rebranding marks a new era of growth, innovation, and enhanced financial services. With the same commitment to excellence, RexMicrofinance Bank is set to serve you better than ever before. Stay tuned for exciting updates and a seamless banking experience!


Latest News from Rex Microfinance Bank

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Accelerex Holdings Secures $20m Investment from Africa Capital Alliance (“ACA”)...

Innovation in the ... Feb 2, 2018

A loan that enriches your life and helps you build prosperity, because it's about the difference it has made in

The importance of ... March 5, 2019

Read about how others are dealing with their student loan debt. Meet Dave. "I am struggling.